


I would like to invite here all democratic minded Somalis who believe in freedom of thinking, and who are opposed to the tyrannical regimes both in Addis Ababa and Mogadishu, as well as the treacherous cliques collaborating with them in Hargeisa and Bosaso, to subscribe articles to, concerning our common struggle for genuine liberation and independence. Now that there is a space here for the Somali language as you see, can be more dynamic in effectively exposing the intrigues, conspiracies and the repressions of the Abyssinian ruling circles together with their puppets and slaves everywhere. Thanks to information technology, to the expanding culture of open and peaceful political dialogue and the growing awareness of our common destiny, which makes collective action necessary as never before, we can educate and organise our people and coordinate our activities worldwide if we have clear and positive vision of what we want to achieve  practically. Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot repeat enough that Bariisa com can be transformed into a teamwork to facilitate a really democratic forum with the utmost transparency possible. Only thus can we defeat ultimately the dominant Abyssinian political culture of conspiracy, intrigues and aggression for the common good.


Most of the time from 1966 till 1969 I stayed in Somali Republic, and made some progress in learning the language. As the saying goes: Use it or loose it. I have forgotten much of the vocabulary since I left Somalia.  I would like to use the occasion now, among other things, to refresh my memory of this beautiful language. Do you know that Oromo and Somali languages have more than 40% of the vocabulary in common? Or is it 35%? Let us develop our literature and arts in the interests of unity, democracy and social justice.


If our awareness is not muddled by narrow self-interests and greed, born of the absence of clear thinking, we must see that we have much more in common than we normally think, and that our combined energy can move mountains. As things stand now, most of us are like an ass loaded with gold, without self-knowledge and self respect. Should we behave like unsuspecting herds of cattle silently grazing in the open field or fighting among themselves while big wild cats such as lions and tigers are after them? Therefore, I must hail here all the heroic people, especially in southern Somalia and Ogaden, who make immense sacrifices, in this difficult regional and international situation, standing to Woyane militarism single handedly with great determination and bravery..


Most of the Abyssinian political elite are striving night and day to transform Somalia into mini-states and make solidarity between Oromos and Somalis impossible.


Let us have courage and optimism. Shakespeare said in ‘ Julius Caesar’ : ” cowards die many times before their deaths”. Let us not leave things to chance entirely as usual. Let us choose, let us decide. Let us rouse ourselves from a trance-like state of mind in which we spend most of our time to avoid facing our reality. We can overcome our self-conditioning and limitations if we want seriously. Let us not bury our heads in the sands of traditional, paralysing, selfish and false religiosity and its meaningless, tiresome, time killing , stupefying formalities. I repeat, let us not misuse our religion and our spiritual dimension. Why waste our time in vain hope listening to those who misuse it and have nothing else to do?  Let us not waste too much of our time and energy with those of us who worry all the time, even while sleeping in their dreams, about their individual ego here or in ( the ) afterlife.  Let us wake up to SEE FOR OURSELVES and strike while the iron is hot. Think always the present is the best time we have to the end of time. Let us not postpone things to live in past or future illusions and destructive fantasies. Let us not worry too much about anything. We have everything we need in us if we are really free. We can notice and register everyday as great. Tell me honestly: Do you think these are empty words?

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