Oromos, do not lose heart! Wake up! A multi-polar world with multiple choice may be in the making

The end of the soviet system marked the beginning of a new era in which the United States started delegating to itself the role of a world police. The terror of September 11 was used to justify this line of thinking. Endless military interventions abroad have become normality despite the suffering that they are causing. Today we see American interventions everywhere. International institutions are automatically misused to serve aggressive politics. Puppet regimes are imposed by force on helpless peoples: Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Egypt and now even Ukraine etc. In general,  autocratic and authoritarian  brutal ruling elites in Africa and Middle East are feasting on American sponsorship. The cow-boy mentality and politics of going it alone must have its price. Today, many countries outside the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, feel unsafe from the reach of American bombers. The US has ignored for too long the murmur of disapproval of its policies by peace loving peoples everywhere. Continue reading “Oromos, do not lose heart! Wake up! A multi-polar world with multiple choice may be in the making”