No ideological or mythological formula is needed to define Ethioipia.

In making the following statements, my aim is to throw some light in boad outlines on certain aspects of the political reality in and around Ethiopia, which I consider to be vital in understanding our complex dilema. We can reawaken ourselves to our reality if we wish.

Ethiopia stands at crossroads: between a land glorified as ancient and unique by its inventers and the reality of an empire that is a prison of nations. I want to stimulate open discussion and to show in general terms possible avenues to turn a new page and find a reasonable solution to our problems. I will try to be as objective as I can. I have no ideological formula any more and no mythology to defend as is the case withmost Abyssinian dominated political groups and their propaganda networks. I am not interested very much in past history for its own sake to glorify or demonize anything or to foment and stir old sentiments.I leave to the specialists in the field more satisfactory historical and societal analysis. I will not pretend to have ultimate solutions to the problems of this rotten empire-state. I am sure that my statements reflect our reality to the best of my knowledge. They are tentative, suggestive and analytical and not assertive and final. They are to somet extent the products of my own experiences and observations. Their limitations are mainly my own limitations.That is why I have to sum up my political background in few words. The reader can skip this part if he or she likes.. Not only readers who accept my presentation but also those who vehemently oppose it are most welcome. We have no culture of open political dialogue in Ethiopia even at this age of internet heroism. Our problems come not from innate human weakedness but from lack of right orientation and the determination of the few to exploit the many. It is extremely difficult for most of us to break or get out of our old conditioning and habits..Most of us, most of our political elites in particular, behave like preprogrammed robots, activated mostly from outside. We never stop to consider the short and long term consequences of our ideas and actions. We are mostly motivated by greed, fear, anger, myths , dogma , misery and the need for revenge. That means clearly that we are predominantly moved by negative energies rather than by positive ones. Thus most of us do not know what we basically want from life for ourselves and for our fellow humangbeings. This is part of human tragedy.

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