The last call

The TPLF has officially ended its state of emergency. But in practice it continues on the ground. It is not new that the Abyssinian ruling elites declare something to the world and do exactly the opposite. The Woyane goes on killing and arresting Oromos and others as ever..

And the major world media is absolutely silent.

The ruling Abyssinian militarist elite have decided to turn the struggle of the oppressed peoples of the empire into inter ethnic armed conflict among the same, especially among the Oromos and the Somalis. They hope to remain in power that way! The old proverb “ Man plans, God laughs “ comes to my mind. Are they pretending to encourage old Somali territorial ambitions outside the Somali areas Ethiopia occupies? Will they really? After all the ethnic cleansing they had carried out in the Ogaden and Somalia itself. As usual, this is pure contempt for oppressed peoples.

How many Somalis will in general fall for this Abyssinian dirty trick?

What else can I say? Today the Ethiopian empire is well protected internationally. But no power can conceal indefinitely that this tyrannical rotten empire cannot stand in the eye of the storm that is coming from within. Sooner or later it will fall apart, under the weight of its own internal contradictions, perhaps even, I hope, without a single shot.

But this can happen only if we get ready— truly organized under a new leadership on the ground inside Oromia. To do that we have to break free of all limiting beliefs such as a) dreaming to solve the Oromo question within the framework of an imagined democratic Ethiopia, b) expecting anything positive from Oromo faction controlled by Erirea, under EPLF, c) should we accept Jawar Mohammed’s assumption that part of the OPDO is struggling for Oromo liberation? d) divisive religious or ideological sentimentalism, e) expecting too much from charismatic individuals as leaders instead of a collective leadership accountable to the ordinary members. Provided that we are clear about these points, we can aim high and the helpful forces of this universe which abhor tyranny and repression will come on the side of our struggle from within as well from outside. Synchronous events will occur in our struggle for liberation and we will have the courage to take risks no matter what our fears. Otherwise we keep confusing ourselves and the universe with our contradictory aims.

I am a peaceful lone wolf. I belong to no clique. I advocate no violence. I have no power except the power of the word. Yet attempts are being made to silence me for ever for ideological reasons. Let us have no illusion that the tyrannical Abyssinia is well supported by world circles pursuing their own selfish interests no matter what happens to our people daily. But no one can destroy our determination to be free from oppression. Because this determination lives and burns deep in our hearts and imagination. Let us keep united around the Gada moral laws and values as the central points of our reference. That is why I think the Borana must play a decisive role in our struggle for genuine liberation because the fires of Gada values remain burning there more intensively than anywhere else. This includes the Borana in Kenya as well. They are great bridge builders between us and other African countries. The tyrannical political culture of Abyssinia is totally impervious and utterly hostile to democratic Gada values whereas other African countries in the region, especially in those lands where we have deep historical roots, including Uganda and even beyond, the broad masses would welcome the Gada values if our intentions are clean and clear. We can integrate into a progressive African federation with an access to the ocean. Now this sounds fantastic. But it is achievable with good will and hard work for the collective welfare of our peoples. My point is, let us stop running the old software leaving us at the mercy of the Abyssinian aggression and greed. Unconscious programming must not override our best intentions. I want to end this short article by saying let us not rush our struggle for freedom for quick superficial advantages. Thank you.

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