Basic human dignity, freedom and change are part of cultural, social and political norms of life

It is nature at work and cannot be eliminated altogether. Even in the most closed, brutal and suppressive empire in history such as Ethiopia changes are inevitable. If I ask myself what is the story I know best, the answer must be, of course, my own story. I was born in an Arsi village in Bale in a house where there was, of course, no question of running water or electricity. To me candles were, for long time, more precious than things like gold. As I grew up, I realized some wells were strictly avoided because they were poisoned. I was moved to another village. The first cruelty I experienced in my life was when I started learning Qur’an. I had two teachers at different times. The first one was an extremely kind person, a sheikh with great insight into Islamic teaching. He did not demand the learning of the text by heart. Besides, he entertained us humorously with various constructive stories from the early history of Islamic tradition. However, he left the village to take care of the family of his brother who died in another part of the region. The second teacher was the opposite. He had himself most probably learned the Qur’an by rote and demanded the same from us. His violence and terror took a real toll on the children. Decades later when I met him, I found him transformed into a mild person by old age and experience.

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The drive to save Abyssinian hegemony- each time excelling in playing the old game anew

There is no time in the Abyssinian political history where its main political actors and elites, including its emperors and modern dictators, have not used either the name of God or some variety of global ideologies such as “communism” or even “democracy” today to lend some colour to, and shore up their aggressive domination. Most Abyssinian opposition groups today, especially their Amhara variants, try to hide behind such forum as SMNE to systematically sabotage the struggle of the oppressed peoples within the Ethiopian empire. They are making their New Year resolution in the name of the forum. They even go as far as using dark skinned figures such as Obang Metho to project an image they do not really believe in to advance their agenda, to say nothing of the numerous modern Gobanas and Abbaa Duulas with their hirelings in Oromia. Continue reading “The drive to save Abyssinian hegemony- each time excelling in playing the old game anew”

A short humble plea for reflection

We live in a universe of immense beauty and natural abundance. Yet many of us feel helpless in the face of unnatural, man- made factors beyond our control. Ancient legends recount how the Phoenix is consumed by fire only to be born anew out of its own ashes. Unless we peacefully mobilize new energies in us to overcome the barriers of materialism that looms large in our consciousness, we are slowly edging toward unprecedented tragedy. Continue reading “A short humble plea for reflection”

The realities of massive human ordeal clouded by propaganda

The Man He Killed

“Had he and I but met
By some old ancient inn,
We should have sat down to wet
Right many a nipperkin!

“But ranged as infantry,
And staring face to face,
I shot at him as he at me,
And killed him in his place.

“I shot him dead because-
Because he was my foe,
Just so: my foe of course he was;
That is clear enough; although…

Thomas Hardy

The Abyssinian political elites especially the Tigrayan dynasty ruling Ethiopia today are following with considerable satisfaction the fact that major Arab countries such as Syria and Iraq have been thrown into complete disarray. Continue reading “The realities of massive human ordeal clouded by propaganda”

Oromos, do not lose heart! Wake up! A multi-polar world with multiple choice may be in the making

The end of the soviet system marked the beginning of a new era in which the United States started delegating to itself the role of a world police. The terror of September 11 was used to justify this line of thinking. Endless military interventions abroad have become normality despite the suffering that they are causing. Today we see American interventions everywhere. International institutions are automatically misused to serve aggressive politics. Puppet regimes are imposed by force on helpless peoples: Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Egypt and now even Ukraine etc. In general,  autocratic and authoritarian  brutal ruling elites in Africa and Middle East are feasting on American sponsorship. The cow-boy mentality and politics of going it alone must have its price. Today, many countries outside the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, feel unsafe from the reach of American bombers. The US has ignored for too long the murmur of disapproval of its policies by peace loving peoples everywhere. Continue reading “Oromos, do not lose heart! Wake up! A multi-polar world with multiple choice may be in the making”

The political and military patchwork in Ethiopia continues unabated in broad daylight

Adding to the woes of poverty in Africa, made worse by the now ongoing globalization, is the pattern of sadistic men and women at the helm of state power who, if there is normality, should be put behind bars. They are benefiting from a pattern of global brutalization going on across continents. The war on terror is serving Anglo-American capitalism as never before in its systemic attempt to undermine or, if possible, even erase the idea and the reality of class  awareness and struggle as to destroy class solidarity among the exlpoited and thereby discredit Carl Marx entirely. Not only did 9/11 take the anti globalization agenda off the world stage, but it ushered in a new era of systemically whipping up and spreading old suspicions and hatreds among major religions.

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Who prevents the agents of death in Africa from paying the ultimate penalty for their crimes?

In general there are large sections of human population in every part of Africa who assume politics is entirely a dirty business and that there is nothing they can do about it.

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Topical issues- innocent victims everywhere

That academic education in the absence of substantial humanist political awareness can mean disaster must be clear by now to anyone who can think independently. Nowhere is this danger looming large as in Africa today with its predominantly greedy, self-serving elites who are open to all kinds of manipulation by world powers. Ruminating on recent events in Mali, Niger, Somalia and Southern Sudan, I cannot pretend to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Yet this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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When the hearts go up to the throats or down to the bellies

Some times it is necessary to sift, through rational observation, to separate, so to speak, the wheat from the chaff. I have raised here on this site a number of times the nature of the Saudi regime and the nature of its relation with the Abyssinian dictators. Though extremely brutal, there is nothing new in its inexcusable recent treatment of foreigners. No doubt that the protests against its violence are timely and legitimate. Yet the Amhara chauvinist crowds on the streets of western cities have used the occasion to stage a theatrical tour de force not only to mobilize their supporters at home and abroad in the defence of their old myths concerning their empire, but also to blackmail others, especially, Oromos, into accepting their caveat.

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